The Hero Inside
The Keynote Speech that will Inspire, Motivate and Move your audience to ACTION!
the message
A message for today!
Today, more than ever, many are stuck, circling on various endless roundabouts. Deborah shares 3 powerful principles to inspire audiences call upon their strengths, experience and uniqueness with the Hero Inside!
THE HERO INSIDE is a message of hope that people need to hear now more than ever. Most are facing changes in either corporations, small businesses or even personal lives. The next couple of years is going to require all of us to call upon the "hero" inside to overcome the negative hurdles that the economy throws out to create a thriving business and impactful lives!
The Hero Inside Keynote
Today, more than ever, many are stuck, circling on various endless roundabouts. Deborah shares 3 powerful principles to inspire audiences call upon their strengths, experience and uniqueness with the Hero Inside! Deborah uses her uniqueness as an entertainer & composer to create a riveting and impactful presentation.
THE HERO INSIDE is a message of hope that many need to hear now more than ever. Most of us are facing changes in either our corporations, small business or even personal lives. The next couple of years is going to require all of us to call upon the "hero" inside to overcome the negative hurdles that the economy throws out to create a thriving business!
This inspiring keynote message stirs you to not settle for merely playing "second fiddle" to your dreams. Rather, call upon everything you have inside to be the soloist & center stage in pursuing & accomplishing your dreams and potential.
Deborah uses three simple, yet powerful principles drawn from battling a Roundabout to move you to be a Roundabout Hero™, being stuck, continually circling, to exiting with a successful plan and purpose.
• Realize Your Position
• Redirect Your Perspective
• Reinvent With Purpose
- Identify your current position and unique skills that that cause you to stand out in a noisy world.
- Define at least one solid course of action with a solid perspective that either builds on your current plan or pivots to a new path.
- Develop one specific phrase and mindset to use in times of readjustment and change for a purposeful future.
Basic backline: 61 key or 76 key electronic keyboard-plugged in Stand that expands to 3.5 feet tall-Deborah stands Direct sound out into sound system
Deborah can bring pedal upon request. Deborah will bring her headset mic to plug into your system. (Countryman & Shure)
is a 20-week virtual program
Life is too short to keep asking "What's next?"
It's no fun to feel stuck. Don't keep circling endlessly.
Your best years are ahead-you are worth pursuing them!
The R.O.I. on personal development is unlimited!
We only open this program up twice a year for individuals but open it up any time for teams. Don't miss out!
Our Hero Mountain Summit 20-week (5 month) program for leadership teams is life-changing.
Hero Mountain Summit focuses on multiple areas of personal & professional development.
It's a wonderful follow-up for a speech with 5-months of application.



Hero Mountain®
You have everything it takes to climb your Hero Mountain® all the way to your summit!
Face the mind games, risks, confidence & comparison to move forward in your life & business!
The first step is to exit your roundabout successfully, then climb to the summit of your Hero Mountain!

The Roundabout
Along the journey of life, we experience unexpected joys and sorrows. At times, our route is clear, smooth, and sunlit - and then there are other times when our path is uncertain, muddy, and choked by briars. Sometimes we are moving forward in a positive direction, but then we either hit a plateau or reach a roundabout and get stuck, not knowing where or how to exit.
We may find ourselves in frantic motion but going nowhere fast. Or, perhaps our today is very different from our yesterday - but we have no idea how we got here. Fortunately, with a few tools, insight, and a little guidance, we can deliberately choose the current steps we take to climb closer to our desired destination tomorrow.
How do you get from here to there?
Deborah uses three simple, yet powerful principles drawn from battling her own roundabouts to move audiences to be a Roundabout Hero™. If applied, these principles will move one from being stuck, continually circling, to exiting with a successful plan and purpose.
• Position
• Perspective
• Purpose
The Roundabout Hero™
As most know, there are multiple roundabouts in life and business. A health crisis, relationship change or lack of opportunity. Corporations face commoditized products, plateaus and changes in the market. Managers, department heads & account executives face a lack of innovation! You can either decide to stay circling in an endless roundabout, or once again face your fears and insecurities to navigate your roundabout once again.

What they say

lucy buchan
Gave us practical tools and helpful perspectives to facilitate transition and adapting to change.
joan desouza
Founder & Executive Director, B4B
Deborah is a captivating and inspirational keynote speaker. She ignites your imagination to envision a person you can become. Her webinars and presentations bring reality to our daily lives and provide the tools we need us to become the next us.